Dulce de Leche

Spanish for “sweet/candy [made] of milk”, dulce de leche is a sweet and creamy confection very popular in many Latin American countries. Use it as a topping or as an ingredient in your favorite dessert recipes!

Serves: 4


4 cups Humboldt Whole Milk
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon baking soda


Pour the milk into a medium pan over medium heat. Cook until milk is close to boil, add the sugar and stir well. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Reduce the heat to low and stir frequently.

Continue cooking until the milk has reduced significantly, begins to thicken, and the color changes to a light brown. This process takes approximately 1 hour.

Once the milk reaches this point, stir constantly so it does not burn. Cook until an amber or caramel tone is obtained, and leave with a creamy consistency. Keep in mind that it thickens more as it cools.

The dulce de leche can be served hot or cold, and should be kept refrigerated.

Recipe from gonnaneedmilk.com.